On Saturday I decided to leave Sturgis after 9 days' stay and drove half way to Ogden, UT where I slept at a Motel 6 at Laramie, Wyoming. It felt funny to sleep in a real bed after camping out so long. One good thing about the Motel was that I could use the phone to call with my pocketmail device.

Sunday I drove the other 400 miles to see Dennis Platt and his wife, Shirley. Dennis, President of USA Deaf Basketball, and I discussed how to improve the USADB web page and we plan to add record holders, Hall of Famers, Archives, and more. That way it will make USADB bright and attractive. See the USADB web page;  www.usadb.org

On Monday I left Ogden and drove on Freeeway 80 most of the time and stopped by Winnemucca, Nevada, to camp at the RV Hi-Desert campground which had a swimming pool. I dipped in the pool, went to bed and slept quickly.

On Tuesday I finally entered the land of California where my home is. It was no big surprise to find there was very bad traffic on the way to see Pam Kovash, who did a lot putting my motorcycle story on her Website. Many people enjoyed reading the stories.

On Wednesday I drove to my house in San Leandro and found the house in good condition but I need to pull out weeds and do lawn mowing. I plan to write one more about the conclusion.

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