
my motorcycle trip

I left home on May 18, 2000 with 37,171 miles on odometer and arrived back home on August 15 with 49,557.  Total traveled is 12,396 miles for 91 days.  Lets say 12,400 miles in 90 days.

- Thanks to all my friends who let me stay and make my trip successful.  Their hospitalities were very good.  Thanks again.

- At first, I was a little worried about my motorcycle's tires going flat.  It could be a big hardship in small towns that don't have any special tool to replace the tire and may end up towing to big town.  However, tire has never been flat. A few deaf people thought my utilities trailer's 8 inch tire might get flat easily.  None of the tires got flat, I suspected that I drove up to 65 mph across the country. That is one of the factors why the tires didn't get flat.

- Being alone, it was good because I could stop any time I want to, even drive continuously during a bad storm for a few more hours without asking the partner for approval which is easier for me.  A partner may be taking much time and tend to become bitter in the relationship.  No partner is good in some ways.

- The worst trip I made was near Dallas, Texas, with over 6 inches rain one night; also strong lightning and thunderstorm may strike a few hundred feet from the campground.  In the morning, I drove to Dallas and heavy rain gave me hardship driving to find a motel.

Second worst one was the strong winds at the Wimawakee Bridge in Michigan that made me drive very slow (20 mph) on the 60 mph road.  Various stop and go winds made my motorcycle driving look like I was drunk.

- A few culture shocks;

  Southern states show me they are very conservative people

  Hope, Arkansas, is now a dry town, which means no alcohol sold in that county due to people's vote.   I learned more about Kentucky -- 80 percent of KY are dry towns.  I thought perhaps it happened during the depression and mafia war.  It is new to me.

  In Toronto, Canada, there are 3.5 million people living there that I never knew.  It is called New York City of Canada.  Many things to see...

  In New England area, it surely inspired me -- a real beautiful place to see.   It is so green with density of trees and fresh air as well as cozy places to live.  My 35 years reunion of Class of '65 at American School for the Deaf was so successful and it was delightful to see classmate again.   They are much older and mature as well.

  About the Sturgis, I have been looking forward to showing up there because it was well-known as Harley Davidson week "60th anniversary HD rally".

- To my big surprise, I kept my promise to visit all the events I wanted to.  I met all my goals and this made my trip worthwhile.

I must thank Honda for my outstanding GoldWing motorcycle that gave me no trouble.  Its professional engineering design keeps it a good and reliable bike.  Yes, it is.   The GoldWing towed the utilities trailer for 12,400 miles; that shows how strong it is.

Thank you for time to read this My Trip story on web page.  

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