35th Class Reunion
Hartford, Connecticut

Reunion - Part 7

     On Sunday morning we had a good breakfast on the buffet counter and told the chef what we liked him to cook for the omelettes.  We felt it was worthwhile coming for the reunion.  Then I needed to pack the clothes in the plastic bin of the trailer, so I towed the trailer to where the roof would keep the rain away and put the containers in the bin.  Shirley Fenner (one of my classmates) was shocked to see how the bike can tow the trailer.  It was a good exhibition for them to see.  Mary Ann Romano felt sorry for me when I had to ride during rainy weather.  I felt so good about their concern for me.  I love them.

Wishing you all the best of luck.  Please stay in touch, my dear friends. See more about Reunion photos

-- The End --

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