35th Class Reunion
Hartford, Connecticut

Reunion - Part 6

     On Saturday evening we were at Happy Hour to see more people then went to the basement to have buffet.  There was a total of 30 people there, including spouses.  It was not possible for us to eat all the excellent, delicious food.  After the dinner we had some good entertainment, including questions, plays, and funny, mischievous memories to share.

Photos - Reunion at Happy Hours & Dinner 

      Who got married first?  Brenda Blake
      Who had a kid first?  Brenda Blake
      Who has most grandchildren?  Elizabeth Hoxie-Finoa
       Who attended ASD first?  Tommy Garro - 2-1/2 years old
      Who was the youngest student to graduate from ASD?  Robert Furman
      Show given:  Paul Stefurak gave A to Z story about the dragster.
      Who has the most children?  George Szpakowski
      Who was most mischievous in school?  George Szpakowski and
             Tommy Garro
      What girl was most mischievous?  Mary Ann Romano
       Who went steady with girl or boy for a long time during the school
             years?  Willena Osmola and Ray McDevitt
      Who was class president during the senior year?  Robert Furman
      Story remembrance: Elmer Hayes told us that he appreciated our
             teaching him and he learned valuable sharing from us.  He was
             moved when he came in sophomore class.  His comments were
             very touching for us.
      What teacher is still living?  Mrs. Dermik
      Who got a Ph.D? Frank Casale got a Pastor's degree
       Who was your favorite dorm supervisor?  Mr. Blanchard and
            Mr. Powers  For female dorm? Miss Paston
     Who as your favorite teacher?  Gordon Clarke
     Who was your favorite coach?  Oscar Shirley
     Mischief story: Tommy Garro told us how mischievous Paul and
           Tommy were to use a car without having a driving license.  He was
           13 years old.  He had stage fright when he told us.
     Who was the first person to tisel?  Paul Antibani
     How many of you have not married Berard Boucher, Bob Mies
          and Gloria Dauphin
     How many of you are in retirement?  Gloria Bernier, Paul Stefurak,
          Mary Ann Romano, Bob Nies, Eliz Finoa and George Szpakowski
     Who stayed on the job the longest?  Mr. Titus
     Who is the person to come farthest to the reunion?  Paul Stefurak
     Finger problem and Pah story:  I gave both shows and they surely
          loved my skillful, humorous performance.  They enjoyed every

     List of names of people who showed up:

     Paul Antibani, Gloria Bernier, Bernard Boucher, Shirley Fenner, John Fenny & spouse, Elizabeth Finoa & spouse, Robert Furman & spouse, Tommy Garro, Elmer Hayes & spouse, Nick Imme, Dave Lawrence & spouse, Willena Osmola & spouse, Bob Nies, Patricia Perzan & guest, Mary Ann Romano, Paul Stefurak, George Szpakoski & spouse, Rose Mary Taglia, Mr. Titus, Dave Young & spouse.

     List of names of people who didn't show up:

     Brenda Blake, Frank Casale, Arthur Costello, Gloria Daughin, Melvin Eaton, Skipper Farris, John Jacobsen, Betty Ann Kiduff, Billy Pearson, Mickey Reynolds, Lois Simpson, Lynn Sterling, John Virgadaula.

     Deceased:  Walter Johnson
                           James Ward


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