Bottom to top: Patricia Perzan Branin, Gloria Bernier, Elizabeth Finoia Hoxsie,
Betty Ann Kilduff Duquette, Dave Lawrence, John Virgadaula Jr., John Feeney,
Bernard Boucher, Robert Nies, David Young, Paul Stefurak, George Szpakowski,
 Maryann Romano, John Jacobsen, Tom Garro, Nicholas Imme, Arthur Costelle, and Eugene Titus

Album of 4 photos on Thursday
Album of 32 photos on Friday
Album of 14 photos on Saturday Parade
Album of 47 photos on Saturday Banquet
Album of 34 photos on Thursday and Friday by Jacobsen
Album of 19 photos on Saturday by Jacobsen
Album of 43 photos on Friday and Saturday by Szpakowski
Album of ?? flashback photos from bulletin by Gloria Bernier (not yet)


Program Schedule

Hotel and Parade/Banquet
Who will show up?
Go ahead to look at who people show up. 
Please feed your data if you go or not (no matter)

More info, email either Chairpersons,

Tom Garro

Dave Lawrence

Mary Ann Romano

Paul Stefurak

John Virgadaula

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