Tentative Plan
Program Schedule

October 1, 2015

Where: Courtyard Hartford Farmington
1583 Southeast Road Farmington  CT  06032 

Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Dinner on your own or group

Time: 7:00pm - 10pm

Gathering, hugging, guessing, chatting and drinking
(tips: you can bring your own drink from your room)

Lobby Seating Area                                  Bistro Seating Area                            Outdoor Patio            

October 2, 2015

Time: 2:00pm
We will have ASD tour

Time: 4pm to 10pm

ASD/ASDAA host Annual Gathering Cook-Out at Isola Bella from 4:00-10:00pm.   ASD/ASDAA will serve hamburgers, hot dogs, engrain burgers, potato salad, Marconi salad, desserts, coffee, tea, water and soda.   If anyone needs to ride to Isola Bella, please let me know... ASD bus will provide nice riding to Isola Bella and come back to ASD. 

Lake Isolabella's webpage
Movie about Lake Isobella

October 3, 2015

Breakfast before a long day

ASD Homecoming

Girls Volleyball Game at 11:00am (ASD VS Lexington or other team)

Time: noon

Lunch time at Booth Exhibits to
buy foods near football field

Time: 12:30 - 1 :00 p.m.
Mr. Jeff Bravin and ASDAA President give short speeches;
Introduce King and Queen, Runner- Ups; Class Reunions Parades

Green grass football field

 Time: 1:00 p.m.
Game starts

Boys Soccer game
ASD VS Lexington or other team

Time: After the game
 Group Picture
by the Gallaudet and Clerc Statue at ASD

Time: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.

After the game, we will have a group photo
and have a banquet at activities room of
Gallaudet & Clerc Educational Center (GCEC) on ASD campus.

Jeff Bravin, our new Supt. will join us.

Time: 9am
(At hotel, we can make up our mind which breakfast we want)

Where: Courtyard Hartford Farmington
What:  Breakfast 
At ASD, they sell breakfast

At ASD's map

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