On Thursday, 5/18, the trip to Riverside was very nice but long -- a 9-hour trip. I stayed at Bobby's house -- his housemate, Pat, was there waiting for me. On Friday I visited Seymour Bernstein, Executive Director of Center on Deafness Inland Empire, which is like DCARA. What a big surprise -- he has lost a lot of weight due to health difficulties. However, he looks good and feels proud of his accomplishments working with the Mayor of Riverside to meet the needs of the Deaf. Friday afternoon Pat took me to see Sally and Geo at their new home on the cliff. The house has 4 levels and looks like a chalet in Switzerland. We had fun with them. On Saturday it was a light day for me. Went to see bowling and finally saw Bobby. He is still envious of my trip! On Sunday, Pat and I rode to Idyllwild to see a married couple, Robert and Carol Burns, who did a good job decorating their home with craft works. I enjoyed every minute.
On Monday I left the State of California to visit my hearing brother, Joseph, at Flagstaff, Arizona. |